And you laugh at “That Kool-Aid” now

Distinctive bronze signs for your business

I’m sure most of us today, even though we’re no wine experts, turn up our noses at Boone’s Farm wine. But that is probably where many of us, including me, had our first experience with wine. I remember back, with fond memories, those high school days – me and my buddies and a few bottles of Strawberry Hill. If we were feeling eventful, we’d also grab some Tickle Pink. It was cheap, went down like Kool-Aid, and made you happy. What more could a group of high school boys want?

So maybe Boone’s Farm is the bottom shelf wine, but maybe it’s also serving an important purpose. If I had not had those experiences with wine from my younger days, maybe I would not bother trying wine today.

Although, not an expert by any means, Grace and I have tried many different wines and found Reislings, ice wine (wine you can chew!), and our latest favorite – Moscato D’Asti.  This wine is a sparkling white produced mainly in the province of Asti, north-west Italy. Since it is sweet, it’s considered a dessert wine.  Best dessert you’ll ever have!!  It is made from the Moscato Bianco grape.  And at $11-16 a bottle, you won’t break the bank trying it.  Next time you have a special occasion that calls for Champagne,  slip in a bottle of Moscato D’Asti instead and watch the wonderful surprise on everyone’s face when they taste it.

Am I buying bottom shelf wine today?  Probably not.  Am I still drinking wine?  Absolutely!!

John Lucas

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